Security Updates to WS Shop API

Security Updates to WS Shop API

At A Glance

SHR has introduced the use of OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect bearer tokens for securing some of the Windsurfer APIs. As new functionality is added, it will also be secured using the bearer tokens. We will eventually be securing all API access this way. 


  • SHR is introducing the use of OAuth2.0/OpenID Connect bearer tokens for securing the WS Shop API.

  • In future updates, this security update will be applied to all API access.


  • Failure to comply with this security update will result in loss of access to the WS Shop API.

Full Notice

SHR has introduced the use of OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect bearer tokens for securing some of the Windsurfer APIs. As new functionality is added, it will also be secured using the bearer tokens. We will eventually be securing all API access this way. Current functionality that will be affected includes:

  • Group

  • GuestRequest

  • RateCalendar

General Flow 

The following diagram shows the overall flow:



Authorization Server Token Endpoint URL 









Windsurfer® Shop API Documentation 

WS Shop API Swagger - Groups, Guest Request and Rate Calendar


API Calls 

Step I - Client requests an access token 

Before calling the actual API, the caller is expected to first get an access token via the authorization server token endpoint URL using the “Client Credentials” flow, passing the unique client ID and secret issued by SHR. 


Sample Request 

POST https://iduat.shrglobal.com/connect/token CONTENT-TYPE application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=<ClientID>&client_secret=<ClientSecret>&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=<api scopes e.g. wsapi.guestrequests.read>

The authorization server token endpoint will return a JSON-formatted response. Calling applications are expected to cache the access_token and then send a request for another only after expiration period is passed. 


Sample Token Response 

{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjI2QjY1RDQ2NjYzM0JFN0NENUFENjJDREFBOTM4RDQwN0Y4MTRGNUMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiJKclpkUm1ZenZuelZyV0xOcXBPTlFILUJUMXcifQ.eyJuYmYiOjE2MzMwMDcwNjMsImV4cCI6MTYzMzAxMDY2MywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pZHVhdC5zaHJnbG9iYWwuY29tIiwiYXVkIjpbImh0dHBzOi8vaWR1YXQuc2hyZ2xvYmFsLmNvbS9yZXNvdXJjZXMiLCJ3c2FwaSJdLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJXU19BUFBfSUJFX0NDIiwic2NvcGUiOlsid3NhcGkuZ3Vlc3RyZXF1ZXN0cy5yZWFkIiwid3NhcGkuc2hvcC5yYXRlY2FsZW5kYXIiXX0.nsuB6Dfh6LBhR9BBt1ZjXxbVTXJlhh1x3vQxOJPU33naP7Lcr1fo_IXK466TMTM53zJOfYxKxqhRr85IpMQDnIDeJXAqLJGQB6Ah4j389W4STi0vCFy_rf9GuObfQwvuHMfy-I-QEPy4GehzxQYyuO-jG6MuUtuYfpxjEY72asDiYCPsDj7VnI6Vaj7ksTfUkb0WFEUn83crifn8OUvArVKpEyC_c2Dmmeepg_IxCdFnVEAXgC5cWrwqz4feYwsIrV8vTdqi3AFBfiscD7W3GaKsS5OU3W0yfx_oG5uxLdMJW1h3w5N-jWFHika0sAaeO1qopDdnPYBzWbJH1F5hMqYSJanYNhTt-RieqKNLeiaCVBjToCU909sBnqsFlMmP_tha3ng-6R6cnKPz4pmfM5JZZtmJR2tCOhJ_1UzyUWyz2cxoc1mZfA0MqzwISaBznaDkRSbMwyIi_BmeoX183iG0NNXhQfQyxDjGzVCQUtnSCAraUwiZ3bsA7t_QnjRiyxdSsHymo9pmN-A_kRcpj-fee_ZddOael-NClyxpxrHQ08k8WdJmeAUKzZpKcHiahytxQXWm7CELXoRY35N7yfhuOC13yt7nNjIF349C4i1zvd3phSYBjOkVUXT1U-RBfIrgkL3imENGcNRqu2ZJFvgUmdRNKFimFZso3x_QkAk", "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "Bearer" }


Response Attribute 



The value of the Access Token. This is what the client will need to access the APIs. 


The time period (in seconds) for which the access token is valid. 


Type of token. In our implementation this will always be Bearer. 


Sample error responses 

{ "error": "invalid_client" }


Step II - Call the Windsurfer API while passing the access token 

Once the caller obtains the access_token, they can then make calls to the protected WS APIs by passing it as a Bearer Token in the Authorization header of the HTTP request. 

This sample call, which gets a list of available guest requests for a property, includes a bearer token in the Authorization request header. 


Sample API Output - Success 


Sample API Output - Invalid / Missing Token