Supporting Multiple Restriction Events Within Windsurfer® CRS

Supporting Multiple Restriction Events Within Windsurfer® CRS

At A Glance

Close-Type Restrictions include Master Close, Close to Arrival (CTA) and Close to Departure (CTD). Historically, Windsurfer® has only supported one type at a time. We are expanding that functionality to now support multiple restriction events.


  • SHR is now able to support close-type restrictions at master, arrival or departure for the same day, or within same message

  • Posting a Master Close with an Open to Arrival or Departure status no longer removes the Master Close

  • Hierarchy when reading and communicating with distribution channels will be Close>Stay Through>CTA/CTD

  • If both CTA and CTD are in place, Stay Through is sent


  • Since each restriction type is now treated separately, restrictions must be removed by sending the same type with a status of Open

Full Notice

In the current Windsurfer® environment, only one closure type can be in place at a single time. As an example, if a Master Close was in place, and the PMS sent a Close to Arrival message for the same date/room/rate, the Close restriction would be overridden and replaced by the Close to Arrival. The same is true for Close and Close to Departure, or Close to Arrival and Close to Departure. Only one Close Type Restriction can be in place at a single time. With this logic, it is also true that if a Master Close is in place, and an Open To Arrival, or Open To Departure message is posted, the Open status would cause the Master Close to be opened.  


With the change being introduced with the May 19th, 2021 deployment, Windsurfer will now be able to process multiple close-type restrictions. This change will now allow each restriction to act independently of one another. Instead of an Open to Arrival message being able to lift a Master Close, now, only a Master Open can remove the closure. Same is true for CTA and CTD messages. The only way to remove those restriction types, is to send Open to Arrival or Open to Departure. 

If Close, Close to Arrival and Close to Departure are all applied on the same day, Close will take the top restriction spot.   

If CTA and CTD are applied on the same day, the overall applied status will be Stay Through Only.  

Here is the sample of Close to Departure and Close to Arrival in the same message from Windsurfer®:

<OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="abc123"> <AvailStatusMessages HotelCode="HTAG"> <AvailStatusMessage> <StatusApplicationControl End="2021-05-12" InvTypeCode="SINGLE QUEEN" RatePlanCode="HAPPY" Start="2021-05-08"/> <RestrictionStatus Restriction="Departure" Status="Close"/> </AvailStatusMessage> <AvailStatusMessage> <StatusApplicationControl End="2021-05-12" InvTypeCode="SINGLE QUEEN" RatePlanCode="HAPPY" Start="2021-05-08"/> <RestrictionStatus Restriction="Arrival" Status="Close"/> </AvailStatusMessage> </AvailStatusMessages> </OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ>

The expectation with this first message is that both restrictions would be posted.

Here is the sample of Open to Arrival and Master Close in the same message from Windsurfer®:

<OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" Version="1.0" TimeStamp="2005-08-01T09:30:47+08:00" EchoToken="abc123"> <AvailStatusMessages HotelCode="HTAG"> <AvailStatusMessage BookingLimit="1"> <StatusApplicationControl End="2021-05-20" InvTypeCode="SINGLE QUEEN" RatePlanCode="HAPPY" Start="2021-05-10"/> <RestrictionStatus Status="Close"/> </AvailStatusMessage> <AvailStatusMessage> <StatusApplicationControl End="2021-05-20" InvTypeCode="SINGLE QUEEN" RatePlanCode="HAPPY" Start="2021-05-10"/> <RestrictionStatus Restriction="Arrival" Status="Open"/> </AvailStatusMessage> </AvailStatusMessages> </OTA_HotelAvailNotifRQ>

The expectation with this second message is that the Open to Arrival message does not remove the Master Close as it has before.

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