GenRMS - Inventory

GenRMS - Inventory


The Inventory Count Notification message notifies a booking source of the amount of inventory available at a specific hotel property. It allows a Property Management System and CRS to synchronize the number of inventory items available for sale between them and can be used by an Revenue Management System to convey oversell allowances.

Business Rules

  • The InvTypeCode needs to exist in the CRS.

  • RMS should not set base inventory counts and should only attempt to provide number of rooms allocated to “oversell”.

  • Any Oversell inventory counts will only be posted in the CRS and will not be pushed down to PMS.

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ Elements & Attributes

Element | @Attribute



Origin | Value



Root element of the message.  


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / POS


The Point of Sale element Is used to identify the Source and RequestorID, It hold the BookingChannelType=4 and BookingCompanyName Code and send it.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / POS / Source


Will send the Source elements to the Endpoint.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / POS / Source / RequestorID


The RequestorID contains the two elements Type ,ID to send to the ESB.




The Type=10 we will be send Under the POS, We only send the Type =10 to the endpoint.




ID is used for the name or ID of the requestor it is the HotelMapcode will send as the RequestorID.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories


A collection of Inventory. Hotel identification information are the attributes of this element.




This is the code of the property whose availability is being requested.

Property Code of transaction 

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory


This is the inventory information for a given rate plan, room type, date, etc.. and send to GenRMS endpoint.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory / StatusApplicationControl


Information on what the InvCountNotif Message applies to (i.e. the combination of inventory and/or rate codes) and the period of application.




The Start date for which the availability update is being sent




The End date for which the availability update is being sent




This is the room type code for which the update is being sent. This field is required if @AllInvCode= ”false” or missing. This field should not be sent if
@AllInvCode= ”true”


@Mon,@Tue,@Weds, @Thur,@Fri,@Sat,@Sun


The day of the week indicators are used to communicate which days of the week the update pertains to. If one is sent they must all be sent.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory / InvCounts


A collection of inventory counts.  


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory / InvCounts / InvCount


Individual inventory count (e.g. Physical, Available, Sold, OOO, NAFS).




This identifies the type of inventory count being reported. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Inventory Count Type (INV).

1 Physical
2 Definitive availability
3 Tentative availability
4 Definite sold

6 Out of order
8 Out of inventory

16 Group authorized
17 Group sold
18 Group available

99 Oversell count




 Number of rooms of this type  


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ Sample

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:htng="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05"> <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"> <wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:313e73e7-3a72-4fb2-87c0-986f767ebdee</wsa:MessageID> <htnga:CorrelationID xmlns:htnga="http://htng.org/PWSWG/2007/02/AsyncHeaders">urn:uuid:313e73e7-3a72-4fb2-87c0-986f767ebdee</htnga:CorrelationID> <wsa:Action>http://htng.org/2014B/inventory_SubmitRequest</wsa:Action> <wsa:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">http://localhost:8080/pmssoap/htng</wsa:To> <wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:Address>http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/role/anonymous</wsa:Address> </wsa:ReplyTo> <htnga:ReplyTo xmlns:htnga="http://htng.org/PWSWG/2007/02/AsyncHeaders"> <wsa:Address/> </htnga:ReplyTo> <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"> <wsse:UsernameToken> <wsse:Username>TESTHotel</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">Password</wsse:Password> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" EchoToken="313e73e7-3a72-4fb2-87c0-986f767ebdee" Version="1.0" > <POS> <Source> <RequestorID Type="10" ID="TESTHotel" /> </Source> </POS> <Inventories HotelCode="TESTHotel"> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-15" End="2024-12-15" InvTypeCode="2BRK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="2" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-15" End="2024-12-15" InvTypeCode="ADAK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="4" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-15" End="2024-12-15" InvTypeCode="BSGL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="20" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-15" End="2024-12-15" InvTypeCode="BDBL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="45" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-15" End="2024-12-15" InvTypeCode="STE" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="1" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-16" End="2024-12-16" InvTypeCode="2BRK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="2" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-16" End="2024-12-16" InvTypeCode="ADAK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="4" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-16" End="2024-12-16" InvTypeCode="BSGL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="20" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-16" End="2024-12-16" InvTypeCode="BDBL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="45" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-16" End="2024-12-16" InvTypeCode="STE" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="1" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-17" End="2024-12-17" InvTypeCode="2BRK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="2" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-17" End="2024-12-17" InvTypeCode="ADAK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="4" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-17" End="2024-12-17" InvTypeCode="BSGL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="20" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-17" End="2024-12-17" InvTypeCode="BDBL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="45" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-17" End="2024-12-17" InvTypeCode="STE" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="1" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-18" End="2024-12-18" InvTypeCode="2BRK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="2" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-18" End="2024-12-18" InvTypeCode="ADAK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="4" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-18" End="2024-12-18" InvTypeCode="BSGL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="20" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-18" End="2024-12-18" InvTypeCode="BDBL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="45" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-18" End="2024-12-18" InvTypeCode="STE" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="1" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-19" End="2024-12-19" InvTypeCode="2BRK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="2" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-19" End="2024-12-19" InvTypeCode="ADAK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="4" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-19" End="2024-12-19" InvTypeCode="BSGL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="20" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-19" End="2024-12-19" InvTypeCode="BDBL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="45" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-19" End="2024-12-19" InvTypeCode="STE" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="1" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-20" End="2024-12-20" InvTypeCode="2BRK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="2" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-20" End="2024-12-20" InvTypeCode="ADAK" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="4" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-20" End="2024-12-20" InvTypeCode="BSGL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="20" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-20" End="2024-12-20" InvTypeCode="BDBL" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="45" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> <Inventory> <StatusApplicationControl Start="2024-12-20" End="2024-12-20" InvTypeCode="STE" Mon="true" Tue="true" Weds="true" Thur="true" Fri="true" Sat="true" Sun="true" /> <InvCounts> <InvCount CountType="1" Count="1" /> <InvCount CountType="6" Count="0" /> </InvCounts> </Inventory> </Inventories> </OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS Sample

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"> <wsa:To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/role/anonymous</wsa:To> <wsa:Action>http://htng.org/2014B/inventoryResponse</wsa:Action> <wsa:MessageID>urn:uuid:913c112d-cc0e-45c5-857c-d1c0a03f6c2c</wsa:MessageID> <wsa:RelatesTo>urn:uuid:msi.8962</wsa:RelatesTo> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns3:OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS xmlns:ns3="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" Version="1.0"> <ns3:Success/> </ns3:OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

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