SHR CRS BE Implementation Guide: Deep Link URL Layout
A deep link is a special URL that routes to a specific spot, whether that's on a booking engine or website.
The following guide walks through how to set up deep links into the SHR CRS Internet Booking Engine from SHR.
Base SHR CRS BE URLs for standard property landing page Index for standard room/offer/package/group details page details for calendar driven shopping landing pages shop for standard multi property landing page DEFAULT for calendar driven multi property landing page shop for reservation confirmation lookup page confirm
Variables are all appended onto the base link following the ‘?’. Additional variables can be added to the end of the URL by adding a ‘&’.
Example URL:
- 1 Property ID/Code Variables
- 2 Multi property page Variables
- 3 Language and Currency Variables
- 4 Calendar Variables
- 4.1 checkin - Arrival date, Format as per lang Index details shop
- 4.2 checkout - Departure date as per lang Index details shop
- 4.3 nights - Number of nights stayed (numeric value) Index details shop
- 4.4 leadtime - dynamic setting of checkin date, Format: <numeric value><period (d/w/m)> Index details shop
- 4.5 opencalendar=1 – Opens calendar automatically Index
- 4.6 suppressavail=1 - Works in conjunction with ‘open calendar’ allowing the system to ignore restrictions and still open the calendar to view Index
- 5 Occupancy Variables
- 5.1 adults – Specifies the number of adults per room (numeric value) Index details shop
- 5.2 children – Specifies the number of children per room (numeric value) Index details shop
- 5.3 child1/2/3/4 – Specifies the number of children per room in the specific child age bucket (numeric value) Index details shop
- 5.4 childAges – Specifies the comma separated list actual of children ages (in case of multi property, separate each room ages with | symbol) Index details shop
- 5.5 rooms – Specifies the number of rooms in the request (numeric value 1-5) Index details shop
- 5.6 bed – Bed Type (King=10, Queen=20, Double=30, Twin=40) Index
- 5.7 nonsmoking – Smoking or non-smoking rooms (YES = Non smoking room, NO or empty = no preference) Index
- 6 Room Type, Rate Code and Package Variables
- 6.1 rate - Rate code (text string), Rate code as loaded in Windsurfer CRS details shop
- 6.2 rcID - Rate Code ID (Numeric ID) details
- 6.3 selectedRate - Rate code (text string), to select the a given rate in the calendar driven shop page shop
- 6.4 roomType – Room Type Code details
- 6.5 rmID – Room Type ID (Numeric ID) details
- 6.6 packageID – Package ID (Numeric ID) details
- 6.7 package – Package Code details shop
- 6.8 selectedPackage - Package code (text string), to select the a given package in the calendar driven shop page shop
- 6.9 selectedTower - room type group code (text string), to select the a given tower room type group in the calendar driven shop page shop
- 6.10 showQualifiedRates- true, control display of qualified rates Index details shop
- 7 Access and ID Code Variables details shop
- 8 Branding and A/B Setting Variables
- 9 Results view Variables Landing Page Index
- 10 Results view Variables Calendar Driven Shopping Page shop
- 11 openPromoIATA Code Variable Index
- 12 Loyalty Variables
- 12.1 performAuthCheck=true DEFAULT Index details shop
- 12.2 forceAuth=true DEFAULT Index details shop
- 12.3 voucher or vouchercode=<encrypted offer data> DEFAULT shop SHR CRM
- 12.4 userToken=<encrypted guest offer data>details shop SPECIFIC PROGRAMS
- 12.5 offerCode=<offer code>details shop SPECIFIC PROGRAMS
- 13 Load Saved Card Variable cart
- 13.1 saved= card id
- 14 resvKey : IBE Reservation Confirmation Page Variables confirm
- 15 Appendix
- 15.1 Language ID List
- 15.2 Currency ID List
Property ID/Code Variables
pcode – CRS Property code in Windsurfer CRS Index details shop
Found under Property Description > Address/Contacts > CRS Property ID
propertyID / hotelID – CRS property numeric ID Index details shop
All clients: Found by hovering over the property name in Windsurfer CRS
Multi-property clients: also found next to the property name in the select property drop-down box in Windsurfer CRS
Multi property page Variables
hgID – CRS hotel group/chain numeric ID DEFAULT shop
Found by hovering over the chain name in Windsurfer CRS
Used to display list of hotels under a given chain / hotel group using the default.aspx or shop.aspx
selectedHotel=<CRS property code> - To select a hotel in the multi-property view shop
Language and Currency Variables
langID – Property language (numerical value) Index details shop
See Language ID List for full details
Default is &langID=1 for US English
currID – Currency ID (numeric value) Index details shop
See Currency ID List for full details
Will default to the currency listed as default in Property Description > Currency
Calendar Variables
Only one “leadtime or checkin Variables” should be specified in a given URL
Only one “nights or checkout Variables” should be specified in a given URL
checkin - Arrival date, Format as per lang Index details shop
e.g. 12/01/2022 for December 1st, 2022 for EN-US lang
e.g. 01/12/2022 for December 1st, 2022 for EN-GB lang
checkout - Departure date as per lang Index details shop
e.g. 12/03/2022 for December 3rd, 2022 for EN-US lang
e.g. 03/12/2022 for December 3rd, 2022 for EN-US lang
nights - Number of nights stayed (numeric value) Index details shop
leadtime - dynamic setting of checkin date, Format: <numeric value><period (d/w/m)> Index details shop
: to set check-in date = 5 days from todayleadtime=2w
: to set check-in date = 2 weeks from todayleadtime=1m
: to set check-in date = 1 month from today
opencalendar=1 – Opens calendar automatically Index
suppressavail=1 - Works in conjunction with ‘open calendar’ allowing the system to ignore restrictions and still open the calendar to view Index
Occupancy Variables
adults – Specifies the number of adults per room (numeric value) Index details shop
children – Specifies the number of children per room (numeric value) Index details shop
child1/2/3/4 – Specifies the number of children per room in the specific child age bucket (numeric value) Index details shop
childAges – Specifies the comma separated list actual of children ages (in case of multi property, separate each room ages with | symbol) Index details shop
rooms – Specifies the number of rooms in the request (numeric value 1-5) Index details shop
bed – Bed Type (King=10, Queen=20, Double=30, Twin=40) Index
nonsmoking – Smoking or non-smoking rooms (YES = Non smoking room, NO or empty = no preference) Index
Room Type, Rate Code and Package Variables
Must use details or shop base URL as lised below
Only one “Room Type, Rate Code and Package Variables” should be specified in a given URL.
rate - Rate code (text string), Rate code as loaded in Windsurfer CRS details shop
Rate Code AAA – Use of “&rate=aaa” will bring results showing the association rate offer first.
rcID - Rate Code ID (Numeric ID) details
(Numeric ID) is the specific CRS rate code numeric ID found by hovering over the rate code directly in the CRS under Rate Management > Rate Code > Rate Code List
Alternately, it can be found in the browser URL bar if the rate code is selected from the rate code list after “RatecodeID=”
selectedRate - Rate code (text string), to select the a given rate in the calendar driven shop page shop
Rate Code AAA – Use of “&selectedRate=aaa” will bring results showing the association rate offer first.
roomType – Room Type Code details
(Alphanumeric Code) is the specific CRS rate code found on the Room Type List. CRS under Property Description Room Type Room Type List “roomType=”
rmID – Room Type ID (Numeric ID) details
(Numeric ID) is the specific CRS rate code numeric ID found by hovering over the rate code directly in the CRS under Property Description > Room Type > Room Type List
Alternately, it can be found in the browser URL bar if the room type is selected from the room type list after “roomTypeID=”
packageID – Package ID (Numeric ID) details
(Numeric ID) is the specific CRS rate code numeric ID found by hovering over the package directly in the CRS under Group/Package/Add-Ons > Package > Package List
Alternately, it can be found in the browser URL bar if the package is selected from the package list after “packageID=”
package – Package Code details shop
The specific CRS Package code found in the Group/Package/Add-Ons in the CRS under Group/Package/Add-Ons > Package > Package List
“package=”<CRS package Type Code>
selectedPackage - Package code (text string), to select the a given package in the calendar driven shop page shop
The specific CRS Package code found in the Group/Package/Add-Ons in the CRS under Group/Package/Add-Ons > Package > Package List
“selectedPackage=”<CRS package Type Code>
selectedTower - room type group code (text string), to select the a given tower room type group in the calendar driven shop page shop
“selectedTower=”<CRS room type group Code>
showQualifiedRates- true, control display of qualified rates Index details shop
Access and ID Code Variables details shop
Promo – Promo code (text string)
Specifies a promotional rate code or ID offered by the property.
Do not enter standard, discount, package, group, or corporate rate codes or IDs.
Group – Group attendee ID (text string)
Group attendee code: the code entered by a guest to retrieve and book a group rate.
Group rates will not be displayed unless requested by the guest.
Not the CRS or PMS group rate code, but what is entered in the ‘Group Code’ field on the UI of the IBE
Corp – Corporate Code (text string)
Use of “corp=” for negotiated or corporate travellers will bring the rate within the corporate category directly to the guest.
Access – Access Code (text string)
Use of “access=” for restricted rates will bring the rate within the restricted category associated with the given access code to the guest.
IATA – Travel agency IATA/ARC number (Numeric ID, 8 characters max)
Assigns Travel Agent’s IATA or ARC ID to reservation made on the booking
Branding and A/B Setting Variables
brandID= branding ID setup in CRS (numeric value)
settings=<A/B> when A/B testing is enabled in CRS branding setup
Results view Variables Landing Page Index
viewtype= 1 results in List View Default
viewtype=2 results in Price View sorted Low to High
viewtype=3 results in Price view sorted High to Low
viewtype=4 results in Grid View Default
Results view Variables Calendar Driven Shopping Page shop
viewtype=1 results in SortBy: Price: (Low to High)
viewtype=2 results in SortBy: Price: (Low to High)
viewtype=3 results in SortBy: Price: (High to Low)
openPromoIATA Code Variable Index
e.g. openPromoIATA=true
This param will be used to open the Enter Additional Options ( Add Promo/ IATA ) block when we land on the Index page of IBE .
Loyalty Variables
To hint/force the booking engine to perform the loyalty guest login check using the configured authentication server. Should be included in the URL when hotel/CRM website are redirecting a logged-in guest to the booking engine.
performAuthCheck=true DEFAULT Index details shop
This will use the silent login feature of the SSO server using prompt=none, such that if the guest is already logged in same browser session it will log them in IBE, if they are not logged in, it will quickly come back to IBE without any login
forceAuth=true DEFAULT Index details shop
This will use the normal login feature of the SSO server, such that if the guest is already logged in same browser session it will log them in IBE, if they are not logged in, it will show login screen to the guest
voucher or vouchercode=<encrypted offer data> DEFAULT shop SHR CRM
Currently only supposed with SHR CRM, please get in touch with CSM / support team for details
userToken=<encrypted guest offer data>details shop SPECIFIC PROGRAMS
Currently only supposed with selected loyalty program to allow pseudo-login of the guest, please get in touch with CSM / support team for details
offerCode=<offer code>details shop SPECIFIC PROGRAMS
Currently only supposed with selected loyalty program to allow pasing loyalty offer code, please get in touch with CSM / support team for details
Load Saved Card Variable cart
saved= card id
Must be used with cart.aspx/combocheckout.apsx page when save for later or abandoned cart feature is enabled to load the previous saved cart.
resvKey : IBE Reservation Confirmation Page Variables confirm
In order to deep link into an IBE Reservation Confirmation from 3rd party websites like Maverick CRM or the Hotel Website, the source website will need to know following things about the reservation:
Hotel ID/Code of the property in Windsurfer
CRS Resv # of the reservation
Last name of the primary guest on the reservation
Once these details are known, the source website should:
Combine the CRS Resv # and the Last Name in Upper Case using pipe | symbol
Generate a SHA256 Hash of the above combined string
Get lower-case hexadecimal string of the Hash
Pass this as "resvKey" URL query param to the IBE confirmation page along with CRS Resv # in the "crsID" URL query parameter along with ret=1 param
Example - if CRS Resv # is RMSL7PBJG and Reservation primary guest name is Smith then
Combine string will be: RMSL7PBJG|SMITH
Lowercase hex SHA256 Hash will be : ec6eca59551334f65573a1c222b6985d95fbf6f19f60333de88b470bef6a7cca
Windsurfer Hotel ID is: 14094
Booking Engine base URL is:
Booking Engine direct link will be:
Language ID List
Language ID = Language – Date Format | Language ID = Language – Date Format |
1 = English – MM/dd/yyyy | 12 = Czech – dd.MM.yyyy |
2 = French – dd/MM/yyyy | 13 = Swedish – yyyy/MM/dd |
3 = Spanish – dd/MM/yyyy | 14 = Arabic – dd/MM/yyyy |
4 = German – dd.MM.yyyy | 15 = Greek – dd/MM/yyyy |
5 = Italian – dd/MM/yyyy | 16 = Hindi – MM/dd/yyyy |
6 = English (GB) – dd/MM/yyyy | 17 = Dutch – dd/MM/yyyy |
7 = Chinese (Simplified) – yyyy-‐MM-‐dd | 18 = Dutch – dd/MM/yyyy |
8 = Russian – dd.MM.yyyy | 19 = Romanian - dd/MM/yyyy |
9 = Japanese – yyyy/MM/dd | 20 = Slovak - dd/MM/yyyy |
10 = Chinese (Traditional) – yyyy-‐MM-‐dd | 21 = Korean - dd/MM/yyyy |
11 = Portuguese – dd/MM/yyyy | 22 = Bahasa Indonesia - dd/MM/yyyy |
Currency ID List
Currency ID | Currency | CSymbol |
1 | USD | $ |
2 | GBP | £ |
3 | RMB | RMB |
4 | AED | AED |
5 | AFN | AFN |
6 | ALL | ALL |
7 | AMD | AMD |
8 | AOA | AOA |
9 | ARS | ARS |
10 | AUD | AUD |
11 | AWG | AWG |
12 | AZN | AZN |
13 | BAM | BAM |
14 | BBD | BBD |
15 | BDT | BDT |
16 | BGN | BGN |
17 | BHD | BHD |
18 | BIF | BIF |
19 | BMD | BMD |
20 | BND | BND |
21 | BOB | BOB |
22 | BRL | BRL |
23 | BSD | BSD |
24 | BTN | BTN |
25 | BWP | BWP |
26 | BYR | BYR |
27 | BZD | BZD |
28 | CAD | CAD |
29 | CDF | CDF |
30 | CHF | CHF |
31 | CLP | CLP |
32 | CNY | ¥ |
33 | COP | COP |
34 | CRC | CRC |
35 | CUP | CUP |
36 | CVE | CVE |
37 | CYP | CYP |
38 | CZK | CZK |
39 | DJF | DJF |
40 | DKK | DKK |
41 | DOP | DOP |
42 | DZD | DZD |
43 | EEK | EEK |
36 | CVE | CVE |
37 | CYP | CYP |
38 | CZK | CZK |
39 | DJF | DJF |
40 | DKK | DKK |
41 | DOP | DOP |
42 | DZD | DZD |
43 | EEK | EEK |
44 | EGP | EGP |
45 | ERN | ERN |
46 | ETB | ETB |
47 | EUR | € |
48 | FJD | FJD |
49 | FKP | FKP |
50 | GEL | GEL |
51 | GGP | GGP |
52 | GHS | GHS |
53 | GIP | GIP |
54 | GMD | GMD |
55 | GNF | GNF |
56 | GTQ | GTQ |
57 | GYD | GYD |
58 | HKD | HKD |
59 | HNL | HNL |
60 | HRK | HRK |
61 | HTG | HTG |
62 | HUF | HUF |
63 | IDR | IDR |
64 | ILS | ILS |
65 | IMP | IMP |
66 | INR | INR |
67 | IQD | IQD |
68 | IRR | IRR |
69 | ISK | ISK |
70 | JEP | JEP |
71 | JMD | JMD |
72 | JOD | JOD |
73 | JPY | ¥ |
74 | KES | KES |
75 | KGS | KGS |
76 | KHR | KHR |
77 | KMF | KMF |
78 | KPW | KPW |
79 | KRW | KRW |
80 | KWD | KWD |
81 | KYD | KYD |
82 | KZT | KZT |
83 | LAK | LAK |
84 | LBP | LBP |
85 | LKR | LKR |
86 | LRD | LRD |
87 | LSL | LSL |
88 | LTL | LTL |
89 | LVL | LVL |
90 | LYD | LYD |
91 | MAD | MAD |
92 | MDL | MDL |
93 | MGA | MGA |
94 | MKD | MKD |
95 | MMK | MMK |
96 | MNT | MNT |
97 | MOP | MOP |
98 | MRO | MRO |
99 | MTL | MTL |
100 | MUR | MUR |
101 | MVR | MVR |
102 | MWK | MWK |
103 | MXN | MXN |
104 | MYR | MYR |
105 | MZN | MZN |
106 | NAD | NAD |
107 | NGN | NGN |
108 | NIO | NIO |
109 | NOK | NOK |
110 | NPR | NPR |
111 | NZD | NZD |
112 | OMR | OMR |
113 | PAB | PAB |
114 | PEN | PEN |
115 | PGK | PGK |
116 | PHP | PHP |
117 | PKR | PKR |
118 | PLN | PLN |
119 | PYG | PYG |
120 | QAR | QAR |
121 | RON | RON |
122 | RSD | RSD |
123 | RUB | RUB |
124 | RWF | RWF |
125 | SAR | SAR |
126 | SBD | SBD |
127 | SCR | SCR |
128 | SDG | SDG |
129 | SEK | SEK |
130 | SGD | SGD |
131 | SHP | SHP |
132 | SKK | SKK |
133 | SLL | SLL |
134 | SOS | SOS |
135 | SPL | SPL |
136 | SRD | SRD |
137 | STD | STD |
138 | SVC | SVC |
139 | SYP | SYP |
140 | SZL | SZL |
141 | THB | THB |
142 | TJS | TJS |
143 | TMM | TMM |
144 | TND | TND |
145 | TOP | TOP |
146 | TRY | TRY |
147 | TTD | TTD |
148 | TVD | TVD |
149 | TWD | TWD |
150 | TZS | TZS |
151 | UAH | UAH |
152 | UGX | UGX |
153 | UYU | UYU |
154 | UZS | UZS |
155 | VEB | VEB |
156 | VEF | VEF |
157 | VND | VND |
158 | VUV | VUV |
159 | WST | WST |
160 | XAF | XAF |
161 | XAG | XAG |
162 | XAU | XAU |
163 | XCD | XCD |
164 | XOF | XOF |
165 | XPD | XPD |
166 | XPF | XPF |
167 | XPT | XPT |
168 | YER | YER |
169 | ZAR | ZAR |
170 | ZMK | ZMK |
171 | ZWD | ZWD |
172 | UAE | UAE |