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The Inventory Count Notification message notifies a booking source of the amount of inventory available at a specific hotel property. It allows the Property Management System and CRS to synchronize the number of inventory items available for sale between them.

When a new hotel is opened for the first time, the Inventory Notification message would be used to supply the reservation systems with descriptions of rooms in the hotel. The Inventory Count Notification is used to send base inventory levels by inventory code, (e.g., room type code) to establish the physical inventory count. An Inventory Notification should always precede an Inventory Count Notification to establish the existence of inventory codes in the reservation system.

The physical inventory is the basis by which availability is determined. However, additional calculations figure into assigning the inventory counts for availability. Availability is a commitment to sell a room at a specific rate or plan. Since the same rooms may be sold under different rate plans, a system may carry a discrete inventory or an inventory count in association with different rates. The superset of inventory may be greater than the physical count, with the actual number of rooms counted down when they are sold.

The Inventory Count Notification message can be used to communicate how many rooms are available to sell during a specific period to revenue management systems. A reservation system may choose not to synchronize with actual inventory numbers but rather with a threshold. Properties and booking sources need to agree on common thresholds, whether they are derived from virtual or real inventory, in addition to a way to accommodate overbooking.

Supported Operations

  • The PMS uses this message to update the CRS for property level inventory changes. (Sample 1)

  • The message has room type data.

  • The message has no rate plan data.

Business Rules

  • This message is only sent from the PMS to the CRS.

  • The InvTypeCode needs to exist in the CRS.

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ Elements & Attributes

Element | @Attribute



Origin | Value



Root element of the message.  





Unique number for every transaction. Must be returned as part of the response to this message



Time of the transaction.

Time the message was assembled



Version is a mandatory attribute in OTA; therefore, it must remain Mandatory in HTNG to be able to use the same message.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / POS / Source  


Optional. This holds details regarding the requestor. It may be repeated to also accommodate the delivery systems.

Not mapped

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / POS / Source / RequestorID


The system sending the request message. An identifier of the entity making the request (e.g. ATA/IATA/ID number, Electronic Reservation Service
Provider (ERSP), Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA)).




Type attribute uses the OTA code list UIT. For example, type 22 – ERSP (Electronic reservation service provider).




ID is used for the name or ID of the requestor. For example, SynXis.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories


A collection of Inventory. Hotel identification information are the attributes of this element.




Optional. The chain code for which the availability request is for.




Optional. The Brand Code for which the availability request is for.

Not mapped  



This is the code of the property whose availability is being requested.

Property Code of transaction 

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory  


This is the inventory information for a given rate plan, room type, date, etc


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory / StatusApplicationControl


Information on what the InvCountNotif Message applies to (i.e. the combination of inventory and/or rate codes) and the period of application.


@Start, @End  


The first and last dates for which the availability update is being sent


@Mon,@Tue,@Weds, @Thur,@Fri,@Sat,@Sun


The day of the week indicators are used to communicate which days of the week the update pertains to. If one is sent they must all be sent.




When true indicates that the data transmitted is for total inventory in the hotel. This field is required if @InvTypeCode is not set.




This is the room type code for which the update is being sent. This field is required if @AllInvCode= ”false” or missing. This field should not be sent if
@AllInvCode= ”true”




Code that identifies an inventory block  




Code that identifies the rate plan associated with an inventory block.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ  / Inventories / Inventory / InvCounts  


A collection of inventory counts.  


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory / InvCounts / InvCount


Individual inventory count (e.g. Physical, Available, Sold, OOO, NAFS).




This identifies the type of inventory count being reported. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Inventory Count Type (INV).

1 Physical
2 Definitive availability
3 Tentative availability
4 Definite sold 6 Out of order
8 Out of inventory 16 Group authorized
17 Group sold
18 Group available

AT this time, count type ‘1’is the only type supported. 



 Number of rooms of this type  


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ / Inventories / Inventory / UniqueID  


Used in response message in the case of an error to indicate which node failed.




Type refers to OTA code list UIT – nr 16 =  Reference. This is used to identify each single availability status message for error reporting purposes.




ID is a unique incremental number for each availability message that identifies that specific message.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ Sample Inventory Update Message

<OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRQ.xsd" TimeStamp="2005-10-01T09:41:51.982" Version="1.001">
	<Inventories HotelCode="10001" HotelName="Test Hotel">
			<UniqueID Type="16" ID="1"/>
			<StatusApplicationControl Start="2010-03-01" End="2010-03-15" AllInvCode="True"/>
				<InvCount CountType="1" Count="20"/>
				<InvCount CountType="2" Count="17"/>
				<InvCount CountType="6" Count="1"/>
				<InvCount CountType="8" Count="2"/>

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS Elements & Attributes

Element | @Attribute



Origin | Value



Root element of the message.  







Time of the transaction.



Version is a mandatory attribute in OTA; therefore, it must remain Mandatory in HTNG to be able to use the same message.


OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS / Success  


This is the annotation that the availability request was received successfully. It could be combined with warning messages if some of the messages in the
batch had issues

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS / Warnings  



@ Type  


Refers to OTA EWT list (error warning type).

@ Code  


Optional. Refers to OTA list ERR. Should be used wherever possible  

@ RecordID


If the receiving system can identify within a batch of availability status messages which specific message failed, the UniqueID of the message should be
reported here.

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS / Errors  


Errors are returned if the request was unable to be processed.

@ Type


Mandatory in OTA. Refers to OTA EWT list (error warning type).  

@ Code


Optional. Refers to OTA list ERR. Should be used wherever possible

@ RecordID


If the receiving system can identify within a batch of availability status messages which specific message failed, the UniqueID of the message should be reported here.

OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS Sample Inventory Response Message

<OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OTA_HotelInvCountNotifRS.xsd" TimeStamp="2004-05-01T06:39:09" Target="Production" Version="1.002">


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