A deep link is a special URL that routes to a specific spot, whether that's on a booking engine or website.
The following guide walks through how to set up deep links into the TopSail™ Internet Booking Engine from SHR.
Base TopSail™ URL: https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/index.aspx?
Variables are all appended onto the base link following the ‘?’. Additional variables can be added to the end of the URL by adding a ‘&’.
Example URL: https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/index.aspx?propertyID=1002&checkin=11/01/2022
Property ID/Code Variables
PCode – CRS Property code in Windsurfer CRS
• Found under Property Description > Address/Contacts > CRS Property ID
propertyID – CRS property numeric ID
• All clients: Found by hovering over the property name in Windsurfer CRS
• Multi-property clients: also found next to the property name in the select property drop-down box in Windsurfer CRS
Language and Currency Variables
langID – Property language (numerical value)
• See Language ID List for full details
• Default is &langID=1 for US English
currID – Currency ID (numeric value)
• See Currency ID List for full details
• Will default to the currency listed as default in Property Description > Currency
Calendar Variables
checkin - Arrival date, Format: MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 12/01/2017 for December 1st, 2017)
checkout - Departure date, Format: MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 12/03/2017 for December 3rd, 2017)
nights - Number of nights stayed (numeric value)
opencalendar=1 – Opens calendar automatically
suppressavail=1 - Works in conjunction with ‘open calendar’ allowing the system to ignore restrictions and still open the calendar to view
Occupancy Variables
adults – Specifies the number of adults per room (numeric value)
children – Specifies the number of children per room (numeric value)
rooms – Specifies the number of rooms in the request (numeric value 1-5)
bed – Bed Type (King=10, Queen=20, Double=30, Twin=40)
nonsmoking – Smoking or non-smoking rooms (YES = Non smoking room, NO or empty = no preference)
Room Type, Rate Code and Package Variables
Must use details view base URL: https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/details.aspx?
Rate - Rate code (text string), Rate code as loaded in Windsurfer CRS
• Rate Code AAA – Use of “&Rate=aaa” will bring results showing the association rate offer first.
• https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/index.aspx?propertyID=1002&langId=1&checkin=05/21/2015&nights=2&checkout=05/23/2014&adults=1&rooms=1&children=0&rcID=aaa
• Multiple rates can be specified by using a comma separator, no spaces between each rate code
rcID - Rate Code ID (Numeric ID)
• (Numeric ID) is the specific CRS rate code numeric ID found by hovering over the rate code directly in the CRS under Rate Management > Rate Code > Rate Code List
• Alternately, it can be found in the browser URL bar if the rate code is selected from the rate code list after “RatecodeID=”
rmID – Room Type ID (Numeric ID)
• (Numeric ID) is the specific CRS rate code numeric ID found by hovering over the rate code directly in the CRS under Property Description > Room Type > Room Type List
• Alternately, it can be found in the browser URL bar if the room type is selected from the room type list after “RoomTypeID=”
PackageID – Package ID (Numeric ID)
• (Numeric ID) is the specific CRS rate code numeric ID found by hovering over the package directly in the CRS under Group/Package/Add-Ons > Package > Package List
• Alternately, it can be found in the browser URL bar if the package is selected from the package list after “PackageID=”
Access and ID Code Variables
Promo – Promo code (text string)
• Specifies a promotional rate code or ID offered by the property.
• Do not enter standard, discount, package, group, or corporate rate codes or IDs.
• https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/index.aspx?propertyID=1002&langId=1&checkin=05/21/2015&nights=2&checkout=05/23/2014&adults=1&rooms=1&children=0&promo=promofall
Group – Group attendee ID (text string)
• Group attendee code: the code entered by a guest to retrieve and book a group rate.
• Group rates will not be displayed unless requested by the guest.
• Not the CRS or PMS group rate code, but what is entered in the ‘Group Code’ field on the UI of the IBE
• https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/details.aspx?propertyid=1002&nights=1&checkin=01/01/2015&group=beourguest
Corp – Corporate Code (text string)
• Use of “corp=” for negotiated or corporate travelers will bring the rate within the corporate category directly to the guest.
• https://res.windsurfercrs.com/ibe/index.aspx?propertyID=1002&langId=1&checkin=05/21/2015&nights=2&checkout=05/23/2014&adults=1&rooms=1&children=0&corp=ibm
IATA – Travel agency IATA/ARC number (Numeric ID, 8 characters max)
• Assigns Travel Agent’s IATA or ARC ID to reservation made on the booking
Language ID List
Language ID = Language – Date Format | Language ID = Language – Date Format |
1 = English – MM/dd/yyyy | 11 = Portuguese – dd/MM/yyyy |
2 = French – dd/MM/yyyy | 12 = Czech – dd.MM.yyyy |
3 = Spanish – dd/MM/yyyy | 13 = Swedish – yyyy/MM/dd |
4 = German – dd.MM.yyyy | 14 = Arabic – dd/MM/yyyy |
5 = Italian – dd/MM/yyyy | 15 = Greek – dd/MM/yyyy |
6 = English (GB) – dd/MM/yyyy | 16 = Hindi – MM/dd/yyyy |
7 = Chinese (Simplified) – yyyy-‐MM-‐dd | 17 = Dutch – dd/MM/yyyy |
8 = Russian – dd.MM.yyyy |
9 = Japanese – yyyy/MM/dd |
10 = Chinese (Traditional) – yyyy-‐MM-‐dd |
Currency ID List
Currency ID | Currency | CSymbol |
1 | USD | $ |
2 | GBP | £ |
3 | RMB | RMB |
4 | AED | AED |
5 | AFN | AFN |
6 | ALL | ALL |
7 | AMD | AMD |
8 | AOA | AOA |
9 | ARS | ARS |
10 | AUD | AUD |
11 | AWG | AWG |
12 | AZN | AZN |
13 | BAM | BAM |
14 | BBD | BBD |
15 | BDT | BDT |
16 | BGN | BGN |
17 | BHD | BHD |
18 | BIF | BIF |
19 | BMD | BMD |
20 | BND | BND |
21 | BOB | BOB |
22 | BRL | BRL |
23 | BSD | BSD |
24 | BTN | BTN |
25 | BWP | BWP |
26 | BYR | BYR |
27 | BZD | BZD |
28 | CAD | CAD |
29 | CDF | CDF |
30 | CHF | CHF |
31 | CLP | CLP |
32 | CNY | ¥ |
33 | COP | COP |
34 | CRC | CRC |
35 | CUP | CUP |
36 | CVE | CVE |
37 | CYP | CYP |
38 | CZK | CZK |
39 | DJF | DJF |
40 | DKK | DKK |
41 | DOP | DOP |
42 | DZD | DZD |
43 | EEK | EEK |
36 | CVE | CVE |
37 | CYP | CYP |
38 | CZK | CZK |
39 | DJF | DJF |
40 | DKK | DKK |
41 | DOP | DOP |
42 | DZD | DZD |
43 | EEK | EEK |
44 | EGP | EGP |
45 | ERN | ERN |
46 | ETB | ETB |
47 | EUR | € |
48 | FJD | FJD |
49 | FKP | FKP |
50 | GEL | GEL |
51 | GGP | GGP |
52 | GHS | GHS |
53 | GIP | GIP |
54 | GMD | GMD |
55 | GNF | GNF |
56 | GTQ | GTQ |
57 | GYD | GYD |
58 | HKD | HKD |
59 | HNL | HNL |
60 | HRK | HRK |
61 | HTG | HTG |
62 | HUF | HUF |
63 | IDR | IDR |
64 | ILS | ILS |
65 | IMP | IMP |
66 | INR | INR |
67 | IQD | IQD |
68 | IRR | IRR |
69 | ISK | ISK |
70 | JEP | JEP |
71 | JMD | JMD |
72 | JOD | JOD |
73 | JPY | ¥ |
74 | KES | KES |
75 | KGS | KGS |
76 | KHR | KHR |
77 | KMF | KMF |
78 | KPW | KPW |
79 | KRW | KRW |
80 | KWD | KWD |
81 | KYD | KYD |
82 | KZT | KZT |
83 | LAK | LAK |
84 | LBP | LBP |
85 | LKR | LKR |
86 | LRD | LRD |
87 | LSL | LSL |
88 | LTL | LTL |
89 | LVL | LVL |
90 | LYD | LYD |
91 | MAD | MAD |
92 | MDL | MDL |
93 | MGA | MGA |
94 | MKD | MKD |
95 | MMK | MMK |
96 | MNT | MNT |
97 | MOP | MOP |
98 | MRO | MRO |
99 | MTL | MTL |
100 | MUR | MUR |
101 | MVR | MVR |
102 | MWK | MWK |
103 | MXN | MXN |
104 | MYR | MYR |
105 | MZN | MZN |
106 | NAD | NAD |
107 | NGN | NGN |
108 | NIO | NIO |
109 | NOK | NOK |
110 | NPR | NPR |
111 | NZD | NZD |
112 | OMR | OMR |
113 | PAB | PAB |
114 | PEN | PEN |
115 | PGK | PGK |
116 | PHP | PHP |
117 | PKR | PKR |
118 | PLN | PLN |
119 | PYG | PYG |
120 | QAR | QAR |
121 | RON | RON |
122 | RSD | RSD |
123 | RUB | RUB |
124 | RWF | RWF |
125 | SAR | SAR |
126 | SBD | SBD |
127 | SCR | SCR |
128 | SDG | SDG |
129 | SEK | SEK |
130 | SGD | SGD |
131 | SHP | SHP |
132 | SKK | SKK |
133 | SLL | SLL |
134 | SOS | SOS |
135 | SPL | SPL |
136 | SRD | SRD |
137 | STD | STD |
138 | SVC | SVC |
139 | SYP | SYP |
140 | SZL | SZL |
141 | THB | THB |
142 | TJS | TJS |
143 | TMM | TMM |
144 | TND | TND |
145 | TOP | TOP |
146 | TRY | TRY |
147 | TTD | TTD |
148 | TVD | TVD |
149 | TWD | TWD |
150 | TZS | TZS |
151 | UAH | UAH |
152 | UGX | UGX |
153 | UYU | UYU |
154 | UZS | UZS |
155 | VEB | VEB |
156 | VEF | VEF |
157 | VND | VND |
158 | VUV | VUV |
159 | WST | WST |
160 | XAF | XAF |
161 | XAG | XAG |
162 | XAU | XAU |
163 | XCD | XCD |
164 | XOF | XOF |
165 | XPD | XPD |
166 | XPF | XPF |
167 | XPT | XPT |
168 | YER | YER |
169 | ZAR | ZAR |
170 | ZMK | ZMK |
171 | ZWD | ZWD |
172 | UAE | UAE |