OTA_ProfileCreateRQ is used to create, modify or deactivate the profile at Maverick CRM.
Profile Create, Modify and Deactivate.
This message is from PMS to CRM
Modify will work only for those fields which are not set previously as the Maverick is the owner of data.
Email address and last name are mandatory for profile create
Element | @Attribute | Num | Description/Contents | Origin | Value |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/UniqueID | 1 | Root element of the message. |
@Type | 1 | Refer to OpenTravel Code List Unique ID Type (UIT). | Always “1“ (Customer) |
@Instance | 1 | Used to identify the source of the identifier | Property Code/ ”MAVERICK” |
@ID | 1 | Profile ID number | PMS Unique profile number/ Maverick Unique profile number |
@ID_Context | 1 | Used to identify the source of the identifier | “PMS”/ ”CRM” |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/UniqueID/CompanyName | 0 | Not mapped | |
@CompanyShortName | 0 | Not mapped | |
@Code | 0 | Property Code | Not mapped |
@CodeContext | 0 | “hotel” | Not mapped |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile | . | ||
@StatusCode | 1 | Status of the profile. Refer to OpenTravel Code List Profile Status Code (PST) | Active=”4” and InActive=”5” |
@CreateDateTime | 1 | Time stamp of the creation. | |
@CreatorID | 0 | The creator could be a software system identifier or an identifier of an employee responsible for the creation. | |
@LastModifyDateTime | 0 | Time stamp of last modification. | Not Mapped |
@LastModifierID | 0 | Identifies the last software system or person to modify a record. | Not Mapped |
@ShareAllMarketInd | Permission for sharing all data in profile for marketing purposes | Not Mapped | |
@ProfileType | 0 | Refer to OpenTravel Code List Profile Type (PRT) | “Customer” |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile/Customer | |||
@Gender | 0..1 | Identifies the gender. | |
@VIP_Indicator | 0..1 | If true, indicates a very important person. | |
@BirthDate | 0..1 | Indicates the date of birth as indicated in the document | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile/Customer/PersonName | |||
@NamePrefix | 0 | Salutation of honorific (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr.) | |
@GivenName | 0..1 | First name | |
@MiddleName | Middle Name | ||
@Surname | 1 | Last Name | Must required to support profile |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile/Customer/Telephone | 0..n | ||
@PhoneLocationType | 0 | Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Use Type (PUT). | Should be always “1” |
@PhoneTechType | 0 | Refer to OpenTravel Code List Phone Technology Type (PTT) | Should be always “1” |
@CountryAccessCode | 0 | Code assigned by telecommunications authorities for international country access identifier | Not Mapped |
@PhoneNumber | 0 | Telephone number | |
@FormattedInd | 0 | Specifies if the associated data is formatted or not | Not Mapped |
@DefaultInd | 0 | When true, indicates a default value should be used | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile/Customer/Email | 1..n | Must required to support profile | |
@EmailType | 1 | Refer to OpenTravel Code List Email Address Type (EAT). | |
@DefaultInd | 1 | When true, indicates a default value should be used | |
Value | 1 | Email address | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile/Customer/Address | 0..n | ||
@DefaultInd | 0 | When true, indicates a default value should be used | |
@Type | 0 | Refer to OpenTravel Code List Communication Location Type (CLT). | Not Mapped |
AddressLine | 0..4 | Street Address | |
CityName | 0..1 | City | |
PostalCode | 0..1 | Postal/Zip Code | |
StateProv | 0..1 | ||
@StateCode | 0..1 | State Code | |
CountryName @Code | 0..1 | Country Code | |
OTA_ProfileCreateRQ/Profile/Customer/CustLoyalty | 0..n | ||
@ProgramID | 0 | Identifier to indicate the company owner of the loyalty program. | |
@MembershipID | 0 | Unique identifier of the member in the program | |
@PrimaryLoyaltyIndicator | 0 | When true, indicates this is the primary customer loyalty program and when false, indicates this is not the primary customer loyalty program. | Not Mapped |
@LoyalLevel | 0 | Indicates special privileges in program assigned to individual. |
<n1:Envelope xmlns:n1="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:n2="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:n3="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:n4="http://htng.org/PWSWG/2007/02/AsyncHeaders"> <n1:Header> <n2:MessageID>8e4bb738d00a479fcf5b896e2a846d4b</n2:MessageID> <n4:CorrelationID>2b36432943304e8d81ba5618d5df9e5a</n4:CorrelationID> <n2:Action>http://htng.org/PWSWG/2010/12/ProfileCreate_SubmitRequest</n2:Action> <n2:To>https://uat.windsurfercrs.com/pms/genhtngservice.aspx</n2:To> <n2:ReplyTo> <n2:Address>http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/role/anonymous</n2:Address> </n2:ReplyTo> <n3:Security mustUnderstand="1"> <n3:UsernameToken> <n3:Username>MAVECOM21</n3:Username> <n3:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">MavePASS01</n3:Password> </n3:UsernameToken> </n3:Security> <n4:ReplyTo> <n2:Address>https://pmsendpoint/serviceEndpoint</n2:Address> </n4:ReplyTo> </n1:Header> <n1:Body> <OTA_ProfileCreateRQ xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" EchoToken="69d85dca013fb3e8151e26536b5fc816" TimeStamp="2021-11-02T20:21:22" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <UniqueID Type="1" Instance="PMS" ID="43" ID_Context="PMS"> <CompanyName CompanyShortName="Coman Test" Code="CMC" CodeContext="hotel"/> </UniqueID> <Profile StatusCode="4" CreateDateTime="2021-08-02T20:21:22" CreatorID="PJM" LastModifyDateTime="2021-11-02T20:21:15" LastModifierID="PJM" ShareAllMarketInd="No" ProfileType="1"> <Customer VIP_Indicator="true" Gender="Male" BirthDate="1986-08-18"> <PersonName> <GivenName>TestAmar</GivenName> <Surname>TestAmar</Surname> </PersonName> <Telephone PhoneNumber="66896991242" PhoneTechType="5" PhoneLocationType="10" FormattedInd="false" DefaultInd="true"/> <Email EmailType="1" DefaultInd="true">abc@shr.global</Email> <Address DefaultInd="true"> <AddressLine>252/118 Ratchadapisek Road, Huai Khwang, Bangkok </AddressLine> <CityName>Bangkok</CityName> <PostalCode>10310</PostalCode> <StateProv StateCode="NA"/> <CountryName Code="THA"/> </Address> </Customer> </Profile> </OTA_ProfileCreateRQ> </n1:Body> </n1:Envelope> |