Element Name Attribute Name | Mandatory (M) Optional (O) | Data Type | “Sample Value” Usage |
OTA_HotelAvailRQ |
EchoToken | O | String (128) | A reference for message identification assigned by the requesting host system. |
TimeStamp | M | Datetime | Indicates the creation date and time of the message in UTC using the following format specified by ISO 8601: YYYYMMDDThh:mm:ssZ with time values using the 24 hour clock (e.g. 20 November 2009, 1:59:38 pm UTC becomes 20091120T13:59:38Z). |
Version | M | Decimal | “1.00” |
SequenceNmbr | M | Integer | Used to identify the sequence number of the transaction as assigned by the sending system; allows for an application to process messages in a certain order or to request a resynchronization of messages in the event that a system has been off-line and needs to retrieve messages that were missed. |
POS | M |
Source | M |
| Provides the details regarding the requestor. |
BookingChannel | M |
| Specifies the booking channel and whether it is the primary means of connectivity of the source. Identifies the company that is associated to the booking channel. |
Primary | M | Boolean | Indicates whether the enumerated booking channel is the primary means of connectivity used by the sources. Always =”true”. |
Type | M | Code | The type of booking channel. OTA Code List Booking Channel Type (BCT). Use MO for mobile only rate. |
CompanyName | O |
| Identifies the secondary channel that is associated with the booking channel. Identifies the secondary channel by code and name. |
Code | O | String (16) | The secondary booking channel identifying code. |
CompanyShortName | O | String (32) | The secondary booking channel short name. |
RequestorID | M |
| An identifier of the entity making the request – i.e., IATA, Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), Open Hospitality, HBSi, etc. |
Type | M | Codes | A reference to the type of object defined by the RequestID element. OTA Code List Unique ID Type (UIT) – always = “1” [1=Customer]. |
ID | M | String (32) | A unique identifying value assigned to the source by Windsurfer. |
ID Context | M | String (32) | Used to identify the source of the identifier – i.e., IATA, Open Hospitality, HBSi, etc. |
URL | M | String | URL that identifies the location associated with the record identified by the UniqueID. |
AvailRequestSegments | M |
| Each segment includes a collection of criteria that requests a bookable entity (guest rooms) for which availability is sought. A segment would be presumed to have a unique, fixed set of dates for Availability Request. Date range can also be specified by using start dates and a number of fixed nights. |
AvailRequestSegment | M |
| Only one AvailRequestSegment per message is supported. |
ResponseType | M | String | Defines whether the response is a property list or an area list. Valid values are AreaList, ProfilePrefs, PropertyList, PropertyRateList, RateInfoDetails. |
StayDateRange | M | Date | Fixed set of dates representing the arrival and departure dates of the guest stay for the Availability Request. |
End | M | Date | The ending value of the time span. A construct to validate either a date or a time or a dateTime value – “YYYY-MM-DD”. |
Start | M | Date | The ending value of the time span. A construct to validate either a date or a time or a dateTime value – “YYYY-MM-DD”. |
RoomStayCandidates | M |
| Collection of room stay candidates. Only one RoomStayCandidate is supported. |
RoomStayCandidate | M |
| Element used to identify available room products. |
Quantity | M | Integer (1) | Defines the number of rooms being requested. Allowable range is 1 – 5. |
GuestCounts | M |
| A collection of GuestCount by age group. |
GuestCount | M |
| A recurring element that identifies the number of guests and ages of the guests. |
AgeQualifyingCode | M | Code | A code representing a business rule that determines the charges for a guest based upon age range (e.g. Adult, Child, Senior, Child With Adult, Child Without Adult). This attribute allows for an increase in rate by occupant class. OTA Code List Age Qualifying Code (AQC): accepted values – “10”=Adult; “8”=Child. If a child is specified, the age of the child is required. |
Count | M | Integer (2) | The number of guests in one AgeQualifyingCode or Count. |
Age | MO | Integer (2) | Defines the age of a guest. AgeQualifyingCode=”8” [child], AgeQualifyingCode=”10” [Adult].Child Age Group in the property setting. If no children age group is set, default to 1. Age =1 , Children Age Group 1 Age =2 , Children Age Group 2 Age =3 , Children Age Group 3 Age =4 , Children Age Group 4 |
HotelSearchCriteria | M |
| A collection of single search criterion items. |
Criterion | M |
| Child elements that identify a single search criterion by criteria type. The text value returned should be echoed in the subsequent request to indicate where to begin the next block of data. |
HotelRef | M |
| Indicates the detail of hotel reference information. Detailed hotel information for the search. |
ChainCode | M | String (2) | The CRS code that identifies a hotel chain or management group. The cross-reference table that translates the chain ID of one system into the chain ID of another system must currently be maintained in the source booking channel. Length 1 to 8. |
HotelCode | M | String (2) | The CRS code that uniquely identifies a single hotel property. The cross- reference table that translates the chain ID of one system into the chain ID of another system must currently be maintained in the source booking channel. Length 1 to 16. |